Why Should You Open a Juice Bar Franchise

the best juice bar franchise

What to Consider When You Open a Juice Bar Franchise

There are a lot of reasons you might consider opening up a juice bar. When operated properly, juice bars can empower you to generate significant revenue streams with minimal corresponding costs. In fact, some juice bar locations in the United States consistently generate more than $1 million in annual revenue.

And with more Americans looking for healthy alternatives to their previous “go-to” food and beverage options, the industry’s clear potential for growth remains strong.

Currently, there are an estimated 5,200 juice and smoothie bar locations operating in the United States. For context, that’s nearly twice the amount of all Chipotle locations in the entire world. Hundreds of new juice bar locations will open every year, both by existing owners and people who are entering into the juice bar industry for the very first time.

If you do decide to open a juice bar franchise, there are several important decisions you will inevitably need to make. In addition to deciding where you want your juice bar to be located, you will also need to decide the type of juice bar you hope to establish. Generally, all new juice bars will fall into one of two distinctive categories: juice bar franchises and juice bars that were created from scratch.

Starting a juice bar from scratch can be a very rewarding experience. But it is also very challenging and carries a high level of risk. While you might like the appeal of getting to choose your juice bar’s name, menu, and other key details, independently owned juice bars are much less likely to succeed than their franchised counterparts. Newcomers to the market do not necessarily have the know-how and expertise to navigate the unique challenges that come with the juice bar business. This is why a very large portion of new juice bars in the United States will have some sort of franchise affiliation.

Opening a juice bar franchise allows you the dual benefit of a rewarding and thriving business, without the growing pains. Why not partner with an established brand and proven business model? How can becoming a franchise partner help you in the initial stages of franchise development? And what are the long-term benefits of franchise ownership?

In this guide, we will answer some of the most common questions people have about opening a juice bar franchise, including why the franchise model has proven to be so successful within this industry.


While Americans (and people in general) certainly like to have quick and affordable food options, the way that we view the entire quick service industry is rapidly changing. The “fast food” of years past—often greasy, sugary, and otherwise unhealthy—is making way for notably healthier alternatives. We know that customers are becoming increasingly health-conscious and are more aware of what they are putting into their bodies. Healthy food options like sandwiches made with fresh ingredients, acai bowls, and vitality bowls are becoming fast favorites.

Similarly, on-the-go healthy beverages like nutrient-packed superfood smoothies and raw squeezed juices are gaining popularity, as the traditional fast food restaurant franchise has lost traction over the past decade. In its place, we have seen the rise of the juice bar and smoothie shop. Franchising offers tried and tested, healthy drinks and bowls that cater to this demand. So how does franchising work?

The franchisor (this is the company offering the franchise) should guide you through the A to Z of the business plan, from the start-up to the grand opening, and beyond. In exchange for paying the franchise fee, you will be able to immediately access all of their pre-established resources, including connections with franchise experts (accountants, lawyers, marketers, etc.), physical marketing materials, and more.

Without the franchise model, you’d have to gather and deploy each of these resources entirely on your own. Most new juice bar owners—even those with experience in comparable industries—simply don’t have the bandwidth to manage everything themselves. Even if they are well-versed in every component of running the business, starting your own juice bar from scratch is a costly, inefficient, and time-consuming endeavor.

In other words, the juice bar franchise model really does make all the difference. A great partnership will help you in choosing the perfect franchise location, train your staff, run your marketing campaign, and drive sales to your new business – just to mention a few perks. The right franchisor should do all these things, and if they don’t, you might want to consider looking elsewhere.

In return, the franchisor will ask for an annual royalty fee and an initial franchise fee. These joining fees vary from company to company, but the beauty of joining a franchise family-like Pure Green is the low start-up franchise cost. You will not need to purchase expensive equipment, and you will only pay an initial franchise fee of $30,000. This is considerably lower than other franchises, including other juice bar franchises, who impose a franchise fee of $100,000 or even more. For reference, depending on location and other factors, the franchise fee for opening a McDonald’s can be up to $2 million.

This fee is what it costs the franchisor to get new franchises on board, and includes the training cost and legal paperwork. And as a member of the franchise, you will be able to continually benefit from branding, internal support, and other valuable sources of support. Furthermore, you will pay an average of 7% of your gross annual revenue of royalty fees, and another 2% for national marketing campaigns.

As you’d likely expect, opening a new franchise isn’t free. But with the benefits you gain from becoming a part of an established franchise undoubtedly make the initial cost worth it.

open a juice bar franchise


Now that you understand the basics of how a juice bar franchise actually works, let’s take a closer look at the reasons this model continues to triumph over alternative options (such as building your own juice bar from scratch).

It is relatively easy to market

Marketing is essential for any business, especially those who require a large customer base, such as juice bars and other food-based businesses. If people don’t know that your business exists—and know that the product is something they will genuinely enjoy—then achieving your financial goals will be significantly more difficult.

We have mentioned the growing interest in healthy foods that in particular are readily accessible. Juice bar franchises (at least the decent ones) have a reputable brand, and what is easier to market than colorful drinks and healthy bowls that are jam-packed with fresh ingredients and tasty goodness? A smoothie franchise like Pure Green, for instance, has an alluring website with high-quality photos of its products that speak for itself.

This is yet another reason why using the franchise model makes sense. If you are starting from scratch, you will need to develop your own website, establish your own social media channels, and do all of your own branding—that alone could cost more than the initial franchise fee!

Capitalize on Food Trends

If you want to succeed as a business owner, you’ll need to make sure that the product you are putting out there is something that people actually want to consume. Fortunately, as market data continues to demonstrate, juice bars are in very high demand and this demand has been steadily increasing over time.

The franchise model is adaptable and data-driven. As food trends change, so do juice bar franchises to stay on top of their game. A cold pressed juice bar franchise worthy of the name will not compromise on quality, but will rather incorporate elements that consumers want. For instance, as customers become more environmentally aware, juices can be served in recyclable cups. Vegan options are also gaining momentum, and clean juice bars are incorporating dairy-free options into their menu.

Juices and smoothies can easily cater to any market, including those who have lactose or gluten intolerance. Fruit juice, smoothies, and healthy food made with fresh ingredients like acai bowl and vitality bowls can hardly cause offense to a consumer – they are delicious, environmentally responsible, and healthy to boot.

Ongoing Support

It’s impossible for any business owner to know what the future has in store but if one thing is certain, it’s that future challenges will inevitably emerge. In other words, you are likely going to need some help at multiple points in the future.

As a franchisee, you are joining an established brand with years of experience and knowledge below your belt. Instead of figuring out the best recipes through trial and error, you are getting ready-made strategies and menus. You can also turn to your franchise team at any point if you need additional guidance or support. Are you having a dispute with suppliers? Want to help better train your employees? You’re going to need to have a great team to back you up. This is extremely valuable to newcomers in the field and one of the biggest advantages of becoming a franchise partner.

When it comes to Pure Green, the franchise team offers hands-on support to franchisees to help negotiate and secure retail store leases, assist with the designing and build-out of the store, and provide you with specs for all the fixtures and furniture. We take pride in our brand and want to see all of our valued partners succeed. The support you’ll find here is continuous, long after the grand opening. You will also get access to our special wholesale prices on cold-pressed juice for your store, instead of going through the effort of producing your own.

Ongoing Support

It’s impossible for any business owner to know what the future has in store but if one thing is certain, it’s that future challenges will inevitably emerge. In other words, you are likely going to need some help at multiple points in the future.

As a franchisee, you are joining an established brand with years of experience and knowledge below your belt. Instead of figuring out the best recipes through trial and error, you are getting ready-made strategies and menus. You can also turn to your franchise team at any point if you need additional guidance or support. Are you having a dispute with suppliers? Want to help better train your employees? You’re going to need to have a great team to back you up. This is extremely valuable to newcomers in the field and one of the biggest advantages of becoming a franchise partner.

When it comes to Pure Green, the franchise team offers hands-on support to franchisees to help negotiate and secure retail store leases, assist with the designing and build-out of the store, and provide you with specs for all the fixtures and furniture. We take pride in our brand and want to see all of our valued partners succeed. The support you’ll find here is continuous, long after the grand opening. You will also get access to our special wholesale prices on cold-pressed juice for your store, instead of going through the effort of producing your own.

Pride in Your Business

The food and beverage market is so saturated with mass-produced, low-quality products at the lowest price. We’re not here to cut corners—we’re here to give the people what they want and provide and genuinely enriching juice bar experience.

By joining a cold-pressed juice and smoothie bar franchise with a reputable brand and established, quality products, you will have something to really boast about – tasty raw squeezed juices and superfood smoothies that do not compromise on quality, while inspiring healthy lifestyle changes within the community.

Deciding to open a juice bar in this competitive market means committing to a business that not only serves delicious and healthy beverages but also contributes positively to the health and well-being of your customers. As a juice bar owner, you have the opportunity to create a space that becomes a go-to destination for those seeking nutritious options. Your juice bar can offer a range of cold-pressed juices, smoothies, and other health-focused snacks that cater to a growing demand for wellness-oriented food and drink choices.

By focusing on quality, freshness, and nutrient-rich offerings, you can differentiate your juice bar from the typical fast-food alternatives. This commitment to quality and health can help build a loyal customer base and establish your juice bar as a key player in the local health and wellness community. Additionally, operating a juice bar gives you the chance to educate your customers about the benefits of healthy eating and drinking habits, further enhancing the value you bring to your community.


This really depends on your business model. It is not a secret that a juice bar franchise can be a lucrative investment with serious profit. On average, your annual income range can vary between $200K to $600K per annum, after expenses. That is not a figure to be sniffed at. Of course, you can also expand and invest in another juice bar franchise opportunity to boost your potential profit even more.

A nationally recognized brand like Pure Green with its master franchisee support structure showed a whopping $3 million total revenue in 2019 alone – with $1 million growth from the previous year.

One of the biggest factors that can affect your profit is the location and demographic. With years of experience, a franchisor like Pure Green will help you find the optimal location for your juice and smoothie bar.

juice bar franchise pure green at the night


Finding a Niche Market

A niche market can be what sets you apart from the competition and helps you identify your target customers. However, it is both challenging and time-consuming to discover this on your own, especially if you have no prior experience in the healthy food industry. Fortunately, the franchise team at Pure Green can help you narrow your search and find the right customers.

Ongoing Expenses

No matter what kind of business you run, you will end up accruing expenses. This is especially true for businesses with physical locations, such as a cold-press juice bar. Naturally, there will be expenses not just relating to selling your products, but also to investing in equipment. Hydraulic presses required to produce cold-pressed juices in particular are expensive. Joining an established franchise like Pure Green is an economically viable way to mitigate needless costs.

The Learning Curve

As with everything in life, it takes time to master your craft. As an independent juice bar owner, you have no guidebook and no clear layout of your roles and responsibilities. Every decision in the business will come down to you. While this is appealing for some, it is also a heavy burden on an experienced business owner.

Need to Establish Trust

When you just start out, you are a newcomer who still needs to establish your corner of the market. How you will create brand awareness and draw in customers (and retain them) will rest squarely on your shoulders. This can be challenging at best while trying to attend to the day-to-day running of the business.

Time Consuming

Again, and the decisions and responsibilities will fall to you. It takes a great deal of dedication and time to build your own brand from the ground up. While this is not a bad thing in itself (anything takes a certain amount of discipline) it can put a strain on personal relationships as you prepare to launch your new venture. Becoming a franchise owner means joining a supportive team that can help you every step along the way.

Of course, these drawbacks should not deter you from opening a juice bar—you’ll just need to be aware of the risks that you are taking and adjust your strategies accordingly.


Choosing the right franchisor is the most important decision you will make. It can make or break your business. Pure Green is transparent and will be more than happy to discuss all the details with you. Pure Green offers its franchisees a ready-made but handcrafted menu of 11 smoothies, made to order, a choice of five acai bowls, six cold-pressed shots, and a whopping selection of 12 cold-pressed juices. Their business model has also enabled them to operate on a smaller footprint and infrastructure.

As an extra perk, there is no need to fork out extra cash for expensive hydraulic press juicers. Unlike most juice bar franchises that insist that cold-pressed juices should be created on-premises, Pure Green’s wholesale division will deliver cold-pressed juices directly to your franchise location. This model also eliminates waste and unnecessary overheads. Pure Green has been in the business since 2014 and is growing from strength to strength, with several locations in New York, and expanding into Florida and Chicago.

The aim is to ultimately represent Pure Green in every state. Pure Green is quickly growing and finding new ways to bring great juices and related products to market. Ross Franklin, the CEO, is on a mission to create healthier communities with easy access to superfoods. Want to become part of the Pure Green family, and help spread superfoods across the country? Want to learn more about franchising, or how you too can open up your very own smoothie franchise? Check out everything you need to know about starting your very own pure green franchise opportunity. Remember, we’re here to make things as smooth-ie as possible!

pure green juice bar franchise offer
juice bar franchise

Find out why Pure Green Franchise is the fastest-growing juice bar franchise in the United States.

ross franklin pure green franchise in forbes

He is the CEO and Founder of Pure Green Franchise and ranked as one of the top wellness entrepreneurs by Thrive Global. He is an entrepreneur, podcast host, best-selling author and sought after wellness keynote speaker. He is leading the rapid expansion of Pure Green Franchise to build locations across the United States with the mission of building healthier communities and connecting people with performance driven superfoods.

Own a Pure Green Franchise Location

Interested in opening up your own Pure Green Franchise? It is easier than you might think. Click below for more information.


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